Curriculum Plans

Our creative approach, using topics and specific subject teaching, stimulates learning and enables pupils to practise and use skills in a variety of ways.

Our creative curriculum is planned on a 2 year rolling cycle with themes used to link learning, with some subjects taught separately.


The well-designed curriculum enables pupils to develop their skills across a wide range of subjects through theme-based project work. A broad range of enrichment activities further enhances the curriculum.’ Ofsted


Our curriculum is personalised according to the individual needs of each child.


Teachers carefully plan lessons to ensure that the activities they set meet each pupil’s individual needs. Consequently, pupils are able to develop a secure understanding of the subjects they are studying and of the skills they develop in the process.’ Ofsted


Please click on the links below to see the curriculum plans for each class.


Overview of Curriculum Themes (2022 – 2024)


EYFS Long Term Curriculum Plans (2020 – 2022)


Year 1 & 2 Long Term Plans (2022 – 2024)


Year 2, 3 & 4 Long Term Curriculum Plans (2022 – 2024)


Year 5 & 6 Long Term Curriculum Plans (2021 – 2023