
To support our e-safety curriculum, we have compiled a list of links to e-safety resources for parents from reputable, national organisations.


These resources provide advice and guidance to parents relating to internet safety and cyberbullying.  We have also included links to other agencies and websites who we feel may be able to support parents and students who are concerned about the impact of new technologies.


Please note that we do not control the content or advice given in these websites:



Thinkuknow CEOP Thinkuknow – For children
Thinkuknow CEOP Thinkuknow – For parents and carers
Reporting an incident CEOP – Reporting an incident
Childnet This site provides a whole host of useful ways to keep your child safe, with useful pages of key advice, hot topics and tips for discussing online safety.
Safer Internet Advice for 3-11 year olds and parents, including resources linked to Safer Internet Day.
NSPCC NSPCCs own website with lots of safety advice including video to watch with your children and a link to their work with O2.
Mumsnet  Lots of e-safety advice including a section specifically for preschool and primary.