
The school operates a range of clubs to enrich the curriculum we offer and assist in child care.


Before School Club

Children can be looked after from 8:15am to assist parents who have to work. The children play outside on the playground where a member of staff supervises them.


After School Club

An after school club for children is held on Monday to Thursday evenings from 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm, during term time. A friendly, qualified member of staff runs the service. This may benefit parents who are working, but is also used by children who just want to stay and play.

Parents wishing to use this facility will need to book a place for their child either in advance or on the day if there is sufficient room. A charge is payable for each after school session attended.


Friday Club

A further club is held from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm on Friday afternoons, where children participate in a wide range of craft, games and sporting activities. This is a relaxed session where children are encouraged to develop different skills whilst having fun.

Parents wishing to use this club will need to book a place for their child in advance, however sometimes there are spare places available that can be booked on the day. Friendly, qualified staff run the service. A charge is payable for each Friday Club session attended.