Vision, Mission and Aims

Our Vision

Our vision is for a school where the highest Christian values are upheld and where excellent learning enables all to achieve and succeed.


Our Mission

We inspire and nurture each child in a rich Christian environment, where they discover and develop a love of learning and values that impact on a changing and diverse community.


Our Core Values

We are:

Kind and compassionate,

Confident and respectful,

Persevere and do our best,

Friendly and welcome all,

Enthusiastic and appreciative.

School Aims

Dedicated to developing and educating the whole child to the fullest extent possible we provide:


  • a knowledge of God’s saving love.
  • a caring Christian environment where all pupils feel confident, secure, loved and valued.
  • a secure and stimulating learning environment where children feel safe to explore and meet challenges.
  • a creative, broad, challenging and enriched curriculum that enables all children to become successful, motivated and independent learners.
  • a wide range of carefully planned learning experiences that develop the whole child.
  • committed caring staff who demonstrate through words and actions, strong Christian values and God’s love.


So that children leave our school with:


  • an understanding and appreciation of God’s love for everyone.
  • high self-esteem, confidence and independence.
  • willingness and skills to meet new challenges in an ever changing world.
  • lively enquiring minds, with a desire for knowledge and an enthusiasm for learning that lasts a lifetime.
  • a desire to do their best for themselves and others.
  • strong Christian morals, values and the skills necessary to become valued responsible members of society fully equipped for future life.
  • a friendship with Jesus and respect for themselves, others and the world in which they live.