‘Enrichment activities enable pupils to secure their knowledge and skills, and develop a secure understanding of the local community.’ Ofsted
Trips and Visits
A wide range of trips and visits are arranged throughout the year to provide rich and varied learning experiences that will enhance and develop the curriculum we offer.
Children in Year 5 and 6 also have the opportunity to take part in a residential outdoor adventure activity trip.
Visitors in School
We invite visitors into school on a regular basis to enrich the experience of our pupils. These include musicians, sports ambassadors, wildlife experts, builders, police or fire officers, artists, actors, or people that can tell us about various aspects of their life.
Extra-curricular Activities
We offer a wide range of activities after school to enhance the curriculum. These vary throughout the year and include a range of activities such as:
Information regarding the activities that are on offer are made available at the start of each term. A charge is made for each club attend.
For clubs on offer this term please see the Clubs and Afterschool Care page.

Music Tuition
Music plays an important part in school life and pupils are encouraged to develop their musical talents.
Individual music lessons can be arranged with our specialist peripatetic music teachers.