
Our governors are representatives from the local church community, parents, school staff, and executive officers from the sponsoring organisation. They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity.


Message from the Chair of Governors

On behalf of the Governors at Dudley House School I welcome this opportunity to briefly introduce you to the work the Governing Body undertakes to ensure that your children receive a relevant and exciting nursery and primary school education.


The Governing Body has a range of powers and duties. In the main these responsibilities relate to;


  • Promoting high standards of education
  • Setting the strategic framework in which the school operates
  • Employment of staff
  • Management of the school budget
  • Ensure the school promotes British values
  • Ensuring that the schools’ curriculum is balanced, broadly based and in line with current requirements
  • Ensure that all policies and procedures are followed and embedded
  • Regular meetings and discussions with the Headteacher


Governors discharge the above responsibilities, together with many others through a governing body meeting every term. These formal meetings are supplemented by a series of termly sub-committee meetings dealing with more specific topics within the school.

Governors are also invited into the school on a regular basis during the working week and can make further visits, if required, to meet with children, staff and parents at a convenient time to all concerned.


Governors adopt, review and monitor a wide range of policies that govern the operation of the school including Health and Safety, Behaviour, Child Protection, Curriculum, Performance Management.

Our commitment for high expectations is at the core of everything we do.

The Governing Body is rightly proud of the achievements of the school not only in terms of its academic achievements but also the solid foundations it provides in preparing all our pupils for the remainder of their formative life.


Governors and leaders have created a nurturing culture that focuses on fully developing the pupils’ academic, social and emotional skills.’ Ofsted


Governors and proprietors have a precise understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school’s provision. They provide strong support and challenge to leaders at all levels to ensure that the school’s provision is the best for its pupils.’ Ofsted


Governor Details

The following people are presently serving as governors on the School Board:


Pastor S Kyriacou (Chair of Governors)
Mrs L McDonald (Education Director of the British Union Conference)
Mrs J Johnson (Headteacher)
Pastor G Kumi (President of the North England Conference)
Pastor E Bran (Executive Secretary of the North England Conference)
Mr M Agyei-Asare (Treasurer of the North England Conference)
Pastor D Rancic (Foundation Governor)
Mrs M Neal (Foundation Governor)
Mrs A Beckett (Church Community Governor)
Mrs E Sutton (Church Community Governor)
Mrs K Weekes (Church Community Governor)
(Staff Governor)
Mr A Puckering (Parent Governor)
Mrs S Sellars (Clerk to Governors)