
At Dudley House School we have lovely facilities to accommodate the many learning activities and adventures that we have with the children.
Our school building comprises of well-equipped classrooms, computer suite, cosy library, school hall and other areas that we make good use of during each school day.

Our sports field, playground, adventure playground, playhouses, garden and quiet areas provide children with plenty of outdoor space to explore, develop skills and play with friends.

We also have access to the church auditorium which provides excellent facilities for concerts and whole school performances.

We make use of our local environment: the local library, museum, parks, river, town centre, Hall’s Hill etc. to enrich our curriculum, as well as local attractions close by such Belton House and Woolsthorpe Manor. As we are just a short walk away from Grantham railway station, and use the excellent transport links to travel further afield.

‘Pupils are provided with a wide range of resources and materials that contribute effectively to their learning.’
