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Invitation to the Art Exhibition

13th June 2024

Culture Day

22nd May 2024
Yesterday, Dudley House School celebrated Culture Day organised by the School Council. During the morning, the children explored and gathered information on a variety of cultures and produced artwork some inspired by artists or other cultures.
In Class 1, they focused on Maori art and learnt part of the traditional dance of the Haka. Class 3 researched Serbia, Morocco and Spain – taking a deeper look into Spanish artists. They produced a Cubist masterpiece inspired by Pablo Picasso. In Class 4 they studied North America, Malaysia and Brazil and explored Romero Britto and his pop art, a happy style that can be seen adorning many commercial products.
After lunch, the children came together and spoke about the diverse community in which we are a part of at Dudley House School, sharing information, costumes and food from home – prepared by the parents and children. Although a small school we have over 15 different cultures represented. All the children proudly spoke about their culture and offered a customary piece of sweet cuisine.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the new dining experience and learning more about each other’s cultures.

Class 3 Tennis

16th May 2024

This afternoon, Class 3 enjoyed developing their tennis skills through a range of activities at Grantham Tennis Centre. It was a fantastic afternoon and the children were brilliant. Well done everyone.


Skegness – Class 3 and 4

Yesterday, the children travelled by train to the seaside town of Skegness. Despite the rain in the morning, their spirits were high as they walked along the coastal path to Natureland. There they learnt about harbour and grey seals. After being treated to a tasty ice-cream, the rain stopped and the children were able to enjoy creating art, field sketches and collected footfall data. They even had chance to just enjoy the beach!

Teddy Bears’ Picnic

15th May 2024

The ground was a little wet from all the rain so class 1 enjoyed a Teddy Bear’s Picnic in the classroom today. We will have more picnics in the future and hope we can enjoy them outside 😊


9th May 2024
This morning, Class 3 enjoyed taking part in a carousel of different activities to develop their battling, bowling and fielding skills at Grantham Cricket Club.
A fantastic way to spend a sunny morning. Well done everyone for working together so well.

Chalk Drawings

Children enjoyed investigating lines, drawing with chalk outside during playtime this morning.

Metric or Imperial

8th May 2024

During today’s maths session, Class 4 were investigating the relationship between metric and imperial measures.



Class 1 – Plants

26th April 2024

This week Class 1 went on a plant hunt in and around our school building. We found a variety of plants and learnt that not all plants have flowers. Back in class we use our observational skills to draw some of the plants.


Collection for ADRA

Thank you to all the children who have been busy collecting coins to fill a coin card for the Adventist Development Relief Agency. We are sure your money will help ADRA provided vital aid for people in need.