Extra-curricular Clubs

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities after school to enhance the curriculum. These vary throughout the year and include clubs such as:


  • Animation
  • Art
  • Athletics
  • Badminton
  • Chess
  • Computers
  • Construction
  • Cookery
  • Crafts
  • Cricket
  • Dance
  • Football
  • Games
  • Gardening
  • Gymnastics
  • Hockey
  • Knitting
  • Model Making
  • Music
  • Netball
  • Picture Book
  • Rounders
  • Science
  • Sewing
  • Story Writing
  • Table Tennis
  • Tag Rugby
  • Tennis
  • Textiles
  • Wildlife

At the beginning of each term pupils select the clubs they would like to join. A charge is payable for each club attended.


During the Summer Term 2024 the clubs will be:


  • Art Club
  •       Craft Club
  •       Den Building Club
  •       Rounders Club

In Science club we have been investigating what happens when you put raisins in lemonade and observed how colours interacted from sweets when left to soak in water. It was amazing.

We also constructed our own marble run, tested it, then made alterations to delay the marbles descent to the bottom.

We have been sewing and weaving in textiles club. In photography club we have taken photographs and then manipulated the images.