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Easter Garden

22nd March 2024

Class 1 have been learning all about the Easter story. This morning they collected natural materials from the school grounds and made an Easter garden to remember that Jesus rose from the tomb and is alive.
They confidently told the rest of the school why they had made the Easter Garden and then put it at the front of the school for everyone to enjoy.
Happy Easter.


Despite the rain yesterday afternoon, Dudley House’s own hockey festival was a huge success! Everyone played their best. It has been so lovely to see the progress all children have made during this term’s hockey sessions.

This morning the children were presented with certificates in assembly for the various hockey competitions that were held yesterday. The winning teams were delighted when they received a bronze, silver or gold medal.
Well done to everyone for a brilliant afternoon and trying your best.

Hockey practise

15th March 2024

KS2 enjoyed practising their defence and attack skills during their hockey lesson.

Class 1 Assembly

14th March 2024

Wow! Mrs Eason is so proud of Class 1 and their assembly this morning. They sang and delivered their lines/poems beautifully. Well done Class 1.


Class 3 – York Trip

13th March 2024
Class 3 have had a fantastic day in York. We travelled to York by train and then walked to The Dig, where we learnt how archaeologists learnt about the past. We even had a chance to unearth different artefacts ourselves. After lunch we explored the Shambles before walking to York Minister.
We then went to the Jorvik centre and travelled back in time and went through the streets of Viking York and saw, heard and smelt what it would have been like!! It was very smelly!!, A brilliant day of learning.

Art Club

7th March 2024

Tonight, art club studied how Quentin Blake makes his illustrations. They used observation skills to make copies of his drawings.


World Book Day 2024

Class 1 have had great fun exploring different books. We read books to our class ‘Book Buddies’ and retold some Traditional Tales using puppets.


Class 4 Assembly

28th February 2024

Class 4 have been working hard on their assembly celebrating their learning. Come and see for yourself tomorrow morning. Will our very own Robin Hood save the day?

Class 4 Greek Day

23rd February 2024

Yesterday Class 4 enjoyed their Greek feast they had prepared during DT lessons last term. Yesterday morning they made Greek salad and Tzatziki. They dressed in togas and made laurel wreath headdresses. During the day they learnt about Greek thinkers, The battles of Marathon when the Athenians were victorious over the Persians. They also compared life in Ancient Greek to life during that period of history in Britain.


Class 1 Emergency Vehicles

8th February 2024

Wow! Look at Class 1’s emergency vehicles. A great end to our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic.