Through drama and song all the children in the school gave a super performance of ‘The Little Fir Tree’.
Set in a forest they showed the trees growing strong and tall as the seasons changed, all except one – the little fir tree. The tall trees boasted that one day they would be used for something important and teased the little fir tree because of his size. When the woodcutter came to chop down the tall trees, he reassured the little fir tree that he had a special purpose for him. His destiny was finally discovered when he is decorated and placed in a prominent position in a children’s hospital ward. The children’s faces are filled with joy as they gaze upon his beauty. The nurses then retell the Christmas nativity story to the children.
Through the story children shared that however small and unimportant we may feel, each one of us has something special to contribute to this world. As they sang in the last song ‘to each one of us there is a reason, everybody has something to give’.