
Early Years RE

Class 1 enjoyed listening to the story of how God created Adam and Eve. After they worked hard to create collage pictures that look like them. They were very proud of their self portraits.

Harvest Festival – Thank you

Thank you to everyone who came and supported the children in the harvest festival this morning and for all the produce that you kindly donated.
The children shared how appreciative they were of the beautiful world we live in and all the different food there is to eat.
Through the story of the King’s Seeds they shared how important it is to sow seeds of honesty, integrity, kindness, goodness, courage for example, as opposed to sowing seeds of lying, cheating, arrogance etc. that may end up reaping trouble.
Afterwards, the Year 5 children enjoyed taking plants to some elderly people within the community. They also delivered the harvest produce to the Grantham Foodbank where they learnt more about how the Grantham Foodbank operates.

Have you filled your bucket?

As part of our PSHE lessons about ‘feelings’ we enjoyed the story of ‘Have you filled a bucket today’. We then talked about what makes us happy and how our own actions can make other people happy.
Look at our happiness bucket.