We were delighted to learn this morning that the picture book that Joshua, Uriah and Florence had written and illustrated for the Reading Zone Picture Book competition, had been awarded the Young Creators runners up prize!! A fantastic achievement. The book they wrote was entitled ‘Joseph and the Disappearing Vegetables’. The lead judge Sarah McIntyre, who is an author and illustrator, made this comment about their book: “This story by Joshua, Uriah and Florence is genius, right from the title and concept to the way the words roll along. I love the double mention of the ‘delicious, juicy vegetables’, it’s funny and the repetition makes it so obvious that something bad is going to happen. And this is rubbed in further with the mention of ‘yummy, scrummy vegetables. I like the spooky picture of the robber in the dark rocky cave, and I laughed out loud when everything was patched up quickly and they had vegetable soup. Nice pattern work around the back-cover blurb, too!”