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Polling Day

Today was Polling Day at Dudley House. We voted for our School Council. The children listened to the various candidates as they gave us their ‘pitches’ on Zoom this morning during assembly .
Class 1 were first to cast their votes and enjoyed visiting the Polling station set up in the hall by Mrs Sellars.
The children had to give their name and class to an ‘official’ and received their voting papers. They then went into the polling booth and chose their candidates. Finally they got to post their completed ballot papers into the ballot box. Some children from Class 1 even got to submit ‘postal votes’ via Email as they’re at home today and joined us remotely.
We await the announcement of the result by the Returning Officer later today. What a great experience for the children.
Well done to all the children who were elected onto the School Council today.
Initially there were going to be two representatives per class, but as votes for second place were tied in each class, Mrs Johnson decided to have three Councillors per class instead.

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