ELSA – Emotional Literacy Support

‘We nurture’

Recently, there has been a greater awareness of social and emotional wellbeing of pupils in schools and the impact issues in these areas have on learning.

At Dudley House School, we are passionate about ensuring that all children achieve their best and we endeavour to remove any barriers so children can optimise their potential.

The ELSA project was designed to help schools to support the emotional needs of pupils effectively without the need to engage outside agencies.

Mrs Hall has undergone specialist training facilitated by Educational Psychologists so that she is able to deliver targeted sessions to help children with emotional and social difficulties. It is realised that pupils who struggle with these areas often vent their feelings inappropriately and end up at the centre of conflict and behavioural incidents. Sessions may address:

  • Recognising emotions
  • Self-esteem
  • Social skills
  • Friendship skills
  • Anger management
  • Loss and bereavement

Children are usually referred for ELSA support by their class teacher and engage with this child directed intervention, away from the classroom environment for a 30-minute session each week for between 6 to 12 weeks. The program is fun, engaging and designed to target specific areas.


Each session begins with talk time, allowing the child to have a platform to talk about issues they have recently encountered. Activities during the main session may include lap-books, role-play, art, craft and games, puppets, sharing books and specifically designed ELSA worksheets, all of which has an emotional or social focus. Before a child returns to class, there is always time set aside to relax and refocus.

In addition to individual sessions, children may participate in small group sessions designed to aid friendships.


ELSA support provides emotional support and nurturing. As with all intervention programmes, it is not delivered to fix children’s problems.  We do however; ensure a warm, respectful relationship with a child, with sessions that are delivered in a safe and reflective space where the child is able to be open and honest with thoughts and feelings.