Pupil Results

Children sitting Key Stage 2 tests this year were the first to be taught and assessed under the new 2014 National Curriculum.


In 2016, 80% of our pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths, SATs tests combined (compared with 53% nationally).


  • Reading: 100% meeting expected standards (national: 66%)
  • Writing: 60% meeting expected standards (national: 74%) (Teacher assessment)
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 100% meeting expected standards (national: 72%)
  • Maths: 80% meeting expected standards (national: 70%)


Scaled scores, where 100 is the expected national standard, also show that Dudley House pupils fair well (there are no scaled scores available for Writing).


  • 108 average scaled score in Reading
  • 108 average scaled score in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
  • 105 average scaled score in Maths


Attainment: higher level

We continue to offer challenge to all children, including higher attaining pupils. Scaled scores of over 110 are considered ‘high scores’.

20% of our pupils achieved a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths, combined (the national proportion was a  quarter of this: 5%).


  • Reading: 40% high scores (national: 19%)
  • Writing: 20% high scores (national: 15%)
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 40% high scores (national: 23%)
  • Maths: 20% meeting expected standards (national: 17%)