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Clues Discovered

Ooh! The mystery of the egg continues. The children in Class 1 checked first thing this morning and found it was still there. We then took out some magnifying glasses and had a thorough search of the area around the egg to look for any clues that might help us work out what is going on. We decided that a clue is something that we wouldn’t normally see in that area.
The children found some straw, some feathers along with some small pieces of coloured paper and plastic. They also noticed some clumps of moss scattered around and what looked like parts of the grass that had been disturbed! There was even, what appears to be, a drag mark in the grass!! We collected all this evidence, took some photos and have created an evidence table in our classroom.

Mrs Johnson received this message last night:
‘Mrs Johnson. I wonder if this is the mummy bird who has lost her egg? She didn’t look too happy when we saw her, quite worried actually.’
We will have to keep an eye out for more clues or see if the mummy comes back.

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