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Class 4 Music- Sky Arts

27th June 2023

Class 4 accessed the music materials created by Sky Arts. They investigated our instruments in school then created musical score cards playing their pieces based on a character from these.


Sky Arts – KS2

Last week, KS2 looked at the artist Nathan Wyburn, who uses different materials to create portraits rather than paint or drawing media. Known as 3D mark-making, they used wool to create an image from their own self portrait.


Sky Arts- Music Class 1

Class 1 took part in some of the music activities provided by Sky Art’s last week. They enjoyed listening and moving to a range of different music genres. as well as discussing how these made them feel.
We explored different ways of making sounds with our voice and body including clapping, tapping, and clicking. The children then went on to explore a range of musical instruments to explore to find a sound/instrument that was a unique as themselves. The children then had a go at using the instruments to make their own theme tune. As you can see the children clearly had a lot of fun.


Class 1 have loved having caterpillars in the classroom. We have seen them get fatter like the Hungry Caterpillar and spin cocoons. We even got to see one of the butterflies emerging from the cocoon. It has been fantastic to experience the children’s excitement as they checked on them every day and observed the changes. Yesterday we said goodbye as we set them free.


Small Schools Sports Day

23rd June 2023
Yesterday we had a wonderful afternoon competing in the small schools sports day at the Meres. We ran, skipped, balanced and jumped towards the finish line. Never giving up – determined to give it our all.
Mrs Johnson was really proud of us as we tried our best, encouraged others and showed resilience and great sportsmanship and as usual were brilliantly behaved.
This morning we were presented with certificates in assembly.
Well done everyone – you did so well.

Class 4 Assembly

21st June 2023
Class 4 enjoyed performing three separate sketches about Victorian life this morning. They sang songs, played the recorders and delivered facts to the audience.

Sky Arts ‘Access All Arts’ Week

This week in school we are getting involved in Sky Arts ‘Access All Arts’ Week – a nationwide, week-long celebration of the arts, specially designed for primary schools. This year, the theme is Identity and pupils will be encouraged to use the arts to explore their own individuality and what makes each one of us unique.
In Class 3 we learnt a little about 2D mark making as a way of expressing our identity. We doodled to create an ‘All About Me’ illustration that represented our heritage, personality or interests. Then we used a photograph of ourselves to sketch our self-portraits.
We hope you enjoy viewing our sketches – some are not quite finished! Can you guess who is who? 😊
Mrs Gentry

Athletics Club

20th June 2023

Today, athletics club warmed up by jogging for 3 minutes. After they practiced throwing before starting races in different ways.


15th June 2023
Class 4 pupils put there all in to playing tennis matches against other schools – only losing one match. Well done!
Thank you Grantham Tennis Club for another super event.


After lunch today we all enjoyed a delicious ice cream, that helped cool us down, before going out to play. A big thumbs up from all of us for the delicious treat!!