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Shoebox appeal by the Rotary Club

16th November 2023

This morning, Class 1 were delighted to help load the shoeboxes, that our families had put together for the Rotary Club Shoebox Scheme, in to a car to begin their journey. We hope that the boxes will ‘Spread a little happiness’ this Christmas to those who receive them.

Woolsthorpe Trip

Children from Key Stage 2 had a fabulous time today at Woolsthorpe Manor. When they arrived, they were taken straight to the science learning centre where they were able to perform some investigations to prove some of the laws Newton had written. After a short break, they enjoyed a guided tour of the house. They were all fascinated by the kitchen and Sir Isaac Newton’s bedroom. The best was left until last when they made paper rockets and used a ‘ Henry Hoover’ to shoot their rockets over the wall. The volunteers at Woolsthorpe Manor were all really knowledgeable and made it a really useful learning day.

Art and Craft Club

9th November 2023

Today in art and craft club the children made drawing robots! – Films of them working are available on our school Facebook Page!

Riverside Walk

1st November 2023

KS2 walked along the banks of the River Witham today. Thankfully, the weather was kind. They drew maps, noted how humans interacted with the environment and tested the speed of the river in three locations. They also spotted wildlife including several species of birds, ducks, several squirrels and even three rats!


Evacuee Day

18th October 2023

KS2 came dressed as evacuees today. They all looked splendid complete with suitcases and gasmask boxes. They discovered an air raid shelter had been erected in their classroom and warning sirens went off intermittently throughout the day. They investigated WW2 planes, played wartime games, read war based stories and painted propaganda posters. After lunch, they deciphered Morse code messages and cooked Woolton Pie and wartime carrot cake. The class also investigated modern time army ration packs kindly donated to the school. After a game of paper battleships and yet another air raid siren it was time for home. What a fun packed day!

Pumpkin Soup Making

17th October 2023
When MasterChef met Class 1. We have loved making our own pumpkin soup today.
We followed the instructions carefully and waited for it to cook. Eating the soup was the best part. It was yummy!

Class 3 Assembly – Scientist

12th October 2023
Class 3 – You’ve once again made us proud!
This morning we had scientist from across many centuries come to the school hall to explain to us who they were and what they were famous for – From Marie Curie to Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein to Alexander Fleming and many more …
What a brilliant way for us to get to know more about what you have been learning this term – keep up the good work!

Pumpkin Soup – Class 1

11th October 2023
Class 1 were very excited to read our new focus text – ‘Pumpkin Soup’. Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be learning all about instructions and will make our own pumpkin soup!
We found it funny Mrs Eason didn’t know how to make a sandwich. She spread the butter on the plate! We gave clear and precise instructions so the sandwich was made correctly.

Class 3 Visit to Grantham Islamic Centre

9th October 2023
This morning, class 3 continued developing their understanding of different places of worship by visiting the Grantham Islamic Centre, where they were made to feel very welcome. After an introductory talk, the children had a tour of the centre and learned how people engage in worship.
The visit really helped give the children a clearer understanding of how their Muslim friends worship.


4th October 2023
The children in class 3 spent a blustery afternoon at Kesteven Rugby Club developing their tag rugby skills. It was lovely to see the children supporting and encouraging one another and developing their team work skills.
Thank you to the School Games organisers for arranging another terrific Sports Festival for the children.