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Baking for Children in Need

16th November 2022

Today all the the children in the school enjoyed baking cookies for the ‘Children in Need Cookie Sale’ that will take place tomorrow morning. They smelt delicious as they were baking!

Class 3 Learn About the Romans

Class 3 were excited to share what they have learnt about the Romans on Wednesday in their class assembly. Parents saw them step back in time with them to the Roman era.



Class 1 Visit The Teaspoon Cafe

15th November 2022

Class 1 really enjoyed their visit to The Teaspoon Café on the High Street this afternoon. They really looked after us and made us feel very welcome. Class 1 would certainly recommend them! We tried some of the treats they had to offer including gingerbread tea and baby mochaccinos. We are very proud to say that all children remembered their manners.

Class 1 Make a Vegetable Garden

11th November 2022

Class 1 has enjoyed planting cauliflowers and onions that Ms Arnold’s dad kindly provided.

Remembrance Day

This morning, we all observed 2 minutes silence and remembered those who have taken part in conflicts and wars in the past and those still serving their country today.

Family Fun Night

10th November 2022
Tonight the PTFA organised a Family Fun Night. The theme was football, because of the forthcoming World Cup. From completing a flag quiz identifying the countries taking part in the World Cup, traditional games, to playing Hula Hoop football, great fun was had by children, parents and staff alike. Thank you everyone for a really fun evening.

Cooking Club Make Omelettes

Cooking Club enjoyed making a vegetable omelette tonight. The delicious smells wafting from the kitchen made the staff feel very hungry.

Class 1 and the Tiger Who Came to Tea

Class 1 have enjoyed listening to The Tiger Who Came to Tea. They have also enjoyed exploring the role-play café and having their own tea party.

Class 3 & 4 Compose an Opera!

9th November 2022
Class 3 and 4 have been working on completing a task set to finish an opera. They’ve created a composition completely independently playing their creation by reading their graphic score cards. This week the recording has been sent to Opera UK as part of the ‘Finish this’ project. We are looking forward to their comments. All children have been granted ‘Composer’ status. Well done everyone.

Christmas Card Production

All the children have been busy making Christmas cards to sell to raise money for some new scooters for play times. Yesterday they began the preparations by creating marbled paper, handwriting the inserts and colouring stockings. This morning the school hall was turned into a Christmas card factory where the children chose which part of the process they would like to complete. At the end, all the children helped production line 3 to complete the stocking cards. Tremendous team work! Cards will be packaged ready to sell in packs of 5.