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Badminton Festival

1st February 2023
This evening the children enjoyed developing their Badminton skills at the Badminton Racket Pack Festival in KGGS sports hall.
It was lovely to see the children’s skills improve as the evening wore on and them having so much fun. Well done everyone.

Elves and Shoemaker – Early Years

31st January 2023
Class 1 has enjoyed listening to the story The Elves and the Shoemaker. They loved playing in the shoe shop role play area, trying on shoes and playing the part of the customer and shopkeeper.

Puppet Club

25th January 2023
This week in puppet club we finished our puppets. T made a train and accompanying props; A made a little girl glove puppet; S made a pigeon puppet and W a colourful frog! They had great fun putting on an impromptu puppet show at the end.
Well done everyone for your creativity, perseverance and imagination!

Chinese Day 2023

Today the children have been learning about China from where to find the country, the culture, the food and they have even tried to write some Chinese characters.  Please ask your children about it and let us know which parts they most enjoyed.

More photos from Thursday’s Museum Visit

13th January 2023

Yesterday KS2 immersed themselves in local history. Initially working collaboratively, they generated historical enquiry questions before heading off to the local museum for an in depth talk and exploration. The afternoon was spent collating their findings, using software to generate graphs from population data and painting historic figures and buildings. They even read stories from past copies of the Grantham Journal dating back to the mid 1800s.

New Scooters

12th January 2023

Last term the children designed, made and sold Christmas cards to raise money for some new scooters.
Today they are looking forward to using their new scooters.
Thank you to everyone who bought our cards.

Local History Day

Class 3 and Class 4 enjoyed a local history day learning many facts about Grantham. They went to Grantham Museum as part of their day. During the afternoon both classes enjoyed some follow up tasks including art, graph work on the population of Grantham and creating an information poster.

Which county were we studying today?

11th January 2023

Can you guess which country the children covered in Countries Club this week?

Happy Family at Dudley House School

10th January 2023
At Dudley House School we all enjoy learning and playing together, like a big happy family. We look after one another and welcome new friends.

The children certainly demonstrated this during inside play this morning.

Christmas Party Fun

15th December 2022

The children had a super afternoon. After a fantastic feast kindly donated by parents, pupils played a variety of individual and team party games for house points. It was so lovely to see them look after each other.