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World Book Day- Chapters Two and Three

2nd March 2023
Class 3 had a superb day celebrating World Book day 2023! 😊
It was wonderful to see the range of book characters arriving in class this morning – well done everyone!
We watched the live lesson at 11am and joined with many other schools across the UK, where we celebrated the joy of books, authors and reading for pleasure.
What a fantastic day, thank you Class 3 – I hope this will have created a happy memory for you.

World Book Day- Chapter One

Class 1 have loved dressing up for World Book day and all looked amazing. We have enjoyed sharing, reading and talking about our favourite books. We also took part in a book scavenger hunt to explore all the books we have available to share in the classroom.

Early Years and Reception- Trip to a Pet Shop

24th February 2023

On Friday, the children in class 1 enjoyed visiting our local pet shop to find out more about how to look after pets. They were especially fascinated by the fish they saw.


22nd February 2023

Children learnt about chords today in music and in small groups made their own compositions playing major and minor chords.


Shrove Tuesday

21st February 2023
In worship this morning, the children learnt about Shrove Tuesday. After lunch, they discovered how easy it was to make pancakes before competing in pancake races outside. Some of the children really perfected their pancake tossing skills.
Afterwards, the children enjoyed devouring the delicious pancakes that had been cooked for them.

Class 3 – Brain Builder Task – Volcanos

9th February 2023
Class 3 proudly shared their Brain Builder task with the class this afternoon. Each pupil gave a short presentation to talk about creating their volcano. Comments included describing the starting point, materials used as well as problems they encountered in the making process. It was superb to see their confidence, hear the vocabulary they used and answer questions from their friends at the end! Well done Class 3 – I thoroughly enjoyed the outcome of all your hard work! 😊
We culminated our learning on Ferocious Earth by playing the volcano/earthquake themed games the children had designed – a noisy but fun time was had by all!!

Jam Tarts – Yum!

How I wish we could share smell over the website.


Class 1 have exceeded my expectations today with this batch of Jam Tarts they have made today! Well done to the whole class and to Miss Arnold and Miss Crook for organising it.

“Finish This” Musical Composition and Animation

3rd February 2023
Please take a look at our animation and musical composition for the “Finish This” project –
We had to choose a colour and then compose our own music to reflect the colour we had collectively chosen.
We were delighted to receive our certificates from the English National Opera that were awarded for our participation and outstanding achievement in the ‘Finish This’ music composition.
Well done everyone.


Bedtime Stories and Hot Chocolate

2nd February 2023

This evening children came back to school dressed in pyjamas and dressing gowns, with cuddly toys in tow, to enjoy stories in front of the fire with mugs of hot chocolate and biscuits.
A very relaxing evening for both children and dads who stayed.

Class 4 Assembly

Thank you to Class 4 for telling us how to stay safe online during their class assembly this morning. The poem and sketch you shared really bought it too life.
A very informative assembly. Thank you.