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We had some slow moving Visitors

30th March 2023
The children in Class 1 were fascinated by the Giant Snails that Mrs Jessop very kindly bought in for them to hold. The children from Class 3 and 4 also enjoyed the opportunity of seeing and handling them.

Easter Assembly 2023

29th March 2023
This morning, in their Easter Service, the children thanked God for all the wonderful signs of Spring that they can see all around them, through songs and prayers. They reflected on what Easter means to them and shared aspects of the Easter story.
A moving and poignant service in which the children reminded and asked parents and friends to reflect on the real meaning of Easter.

World Maths Day 2023

23rd March 2023

On World Maths Day children made shapes with their body in PE as well as practising their division skills in a relay competition. They solved Maths puzzles, learnt about the Fibonacci sequence and played times table Mathopoly before measuring the distance their paper aeroplanes flew.

Class 4 Detectives

14th March 2023

Class 4 became ‘Crime scene investigators’ and tested ways of taking finger prints. They were able to identify their own fingerprints because of the unique patterns of whorls, loops or arches.

Class 1 Visit to Great Wood Farm

13th March 2023
Class 1 had a

lovely time

at Great Wood Farm this morning, looking at the sheep and new born lambs. They enjoyed watching the lambs leaping around and feeding from their mothers and felt how soft the lambs woolly coat was when they stroked them. They even had the chance to help the shepherd feed two cade lambs that were very hungry. They then made their own sheep picture using wool and straw, before a final look at the sheep and a splash in the puddles.

Thank you Great Wood Farm for a lovely visit.

Mother’s Day Cards

8th March 2023

I wonder which lucky Mums will be receiving these cards on 19th March?



Art club have used papier-mâché to create these beautiful bowls.

Class 3 Assembly

Class 3 were excited to share their own version of Newsround. They did the whole production themselves deciding on the content, writing their own reports and presenting the show.  They covered a wide range of subjects including Plastic Pollution, Chinese New Year, the Weather in French, World Book Day and covering what they have been learning in RE.

Well Done Class 3!


Marble Runs

7th March 2023

Today Class 4 were making bridge marble runs

World Book Day- Chapter Four

2nd March 2023

The class dressed in a variety of characters, mainly from the novels recently read in class. They adopted the characters’ traits too, one deciding to be mute like Kester in The Wildness by Piers Torday (although this didn’t last for long) and another child brought in the trainers that had fallen on them from the sky just like the character Stanley Yelnats in Louis Sacher’s Holes. They engaged in the World Book Day ‘live lesson’, enjoyed reading Aquilla magazines in pairs and even created a sound track to a passage from Katherine Rundall’s novel Sky Steppers.