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Did you see us on the Journal?

9th May 2023

Did you see us in the local press?

Stop Motion Animation

Today in club, the children made Stop Motion animations using Plasticine and the iPads.


Coronation Celebration

4th May 2023
We are very excited about the King’s Coronation and have found out some interesting facts about him and the forthcoming coronation.
Yesterday in art the children in KS2 painted soldiers, a carriage and horses so that we could create a whole school picture to mark the King’s Coronation.
We used a photograph of it to make a card and have sent it with all our good wishes and signatures to the King.
Today we have had wonderful day too. Class One and Class Three worked together to plan, prepare and host a mock coronation ceremony. After choosing names out of a hat (thank you Joshua for the loan of your amazing hat!!) to find out who would be our King and Queen, they then got busy with preparing the tasty treats for the Coronation Tea Party…. baking cakes and biscuits then decorating them. Alongside this, the children learnt about King Charles and the key elements of a coronation, decorated commemorative pebbles (the children will bring these home soon!) and coloured in Union Jacks.
We culminated our day with a Coronation Ceremony, led by The Archbishop of Canterbury AKA S, to crown King A and Queen Z. Mrs Johnson, Miss White and Class Four were our honoured guests. Then we sat down to a sumptuous tea party complete with crown jam sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches, fairy cakes and crown biscuits!
Class One and Three worked so well together, it was a privilege to see! We hope you all enjoyed the day as much as we did and take away many happy memories that we have all created!
From Mrs Gentry, Mrs Sellers and Ms Arnold

Card Fit for a King

3rd May 2023
Well done to the winners of the Coronation card competition.
Thank you to those that entered the competition – we will be posting the cards off to Buckingham
Palace tomorrow with our congratulations and best wishes to King Charles.

Letter from Downing Street

2nd May 2023
At the end of last term Class 3 wrote letters of persuasion about plastic pollution to the Prime Minister. Last week, we sent our letters (we typed them up) to 10 Downing Street for the PM to read – thank you Mrs Jessop for your help with this!
Today we were all very proud and excited as we had a reply! We thought Mr Sunak would be much too busy to read each of our letters personally but we were still delighted to receive a response from a member of his correspondence team!
Well done Class 3 – you wrote such poignant letters about the problem of plastic pollution.

Cross Country

27th April 2023
Well done to the boys in Year 3 and 4 who completed the cross country challenge yesterday evening at the Meres.
We are all very proud of you.

Eco Club

24th April 2023
This afternoon in Eco Club we created a Promise Tree. After listening to ‘George Saves the World by Lunchtime’, we thought about the ways we are already caring for our environment as well as promises we can make to take greater care of our wonderful world.
Well done ‘Eco Warriors’ – you had some superb ideas. We hope the rest of the school will add their thoughts and pledges to the Promise Tree too.
I am looking for to our next session! 😊
Thank you, Mrs Gentry

RE – Jesus’s magnetic personality

21st April 2023
This morning, in Religious Education, after exploring how magnets can attract things, the children drew a friend and listed characteristics and reasons why they were attracted to that person as a friend.
By reading different Bible passages we saw that people were attracted and drawn to Jesus – just like a magnet.
Over the next few weeks we will exploring different stories to find out more.

Anyone for Tennis?

Class 3 and 4 enjoyed their first tennis lesson this term … and the sun shone! They practiced their ball skills – seeing how they can move when they catch a ball. They recapped catching a ball with two hands, then one hand, then throwing from one hand to the other before progressing onto controlling their ball with the tennis racket. Walking around whilst balancing the ball on the racket proved tricky for some, whilst others were challenged by gently bouncing the ball on their racket.
Well done Class 3 and 4 – you all worked really hard and developed your skills!


Tag Rugby 30th March

30th March 2023
This afternoon we enjoyed sunshine and showers whilst playing Tag Rugby matches up at Kesteven Rugby Club. As the afternoon wore on it was great to see them becoming more enthusiastic, active and working more successfully as a team. Well done everyone.
#tag rugby