
Class 4 Maths Day

22nd May 2017

In class 4, we spent the day problem solving. The first activity was using their knowledge of number facts to place numbers in the correct place on a grid. The second activity was using their knowledge of graphs to answer questions and find out the labels missing from the side and base of the graph. We discussed logic problems and completed one has a whole class before the children completed one independently. This afternoon was spent solving clues to find who had committed a crime. The clues involved measuring angles, using a calendar, working out percentages, answering questions on Braille numbers and calculating Roman numerals. The day ended with some times tables races with class 3.

Class 3 Maths Day

Class 3 practised their measuring skills today, finding out how far their paper aeroplanes travelled across the hall. They used metre rules and a trundle wheel. Faith’s aerodynamic design travelled the furthest at 7m 70cm.

As part of our Maths Day activities, we learnt about time zones across the world. Everyone chose a country and at the end of school we set our clocks to the exact time of their chosen destination.

Class 1 Maths Day

Here we are, making number trails, scoring points and hopping along a shape trail, trying not to fall into the water!


KS2 Visit to PGL

9th May 2017

Key Stage 2 had a fantastic afternoon, trying out some activities at PGL.

Photography Club

15th March 2017

This term, photography club have been taking portrait, wildlife and landscape photographs as well as photographs of plants and trees.  They have used various editing software to manipulate their photographs.  Here are a few of their edited photographs.

Miniature Art Gallery

The children have produced miniature pieces of art, which are on display in reception. Please come in and visit our art gallery, complete a questionnaire and leave a comment in the comments book.

Roman Feast

9th February 2017

Class 1 Assembly

Congratulations to Class 1 on their amazing assembly this morning. The children brilliantly acted out the story of The Smartest Giant in Town.


Class 3’s Roman Feast Preparations

8th February 2017

Grantham Library Visit

18th January 2017