
Crime Scene Clues

The children in Class 3 have been investigating a crime scene, found in our wet cold playground. The scene is from a story they will be learning about in the next few weeks. They have written questions about what they want to find out and used modal verbs to ascertain what they know of what they might know. They also found out what apothecary means.
They also had a few guesses about what the story will be. The will know if they are right on Monday!

Jungle in a Box

This week, the children in Class 1 have made a ‘jungle in a box’ as part of our topic about Animals Big and Small. Here are some of the finished ones.
We learned that jungles are dark, overgrown places so chose appropriate colours to paint the boxes inside and out. Once the paint was dry, they added trees, vines, water and other features using collage materials.
Finally, we chose some jungle animals to cut out, colour and place in our jungle habitats. The children have found out about animal families, animals using camouflage and have particularly enjoyed watching webcams of different animals in various zoos.

Clay Creatures

Class 2 enjoyed an afternoon studying different animals before choosing one animal to draw a design, before making the animal in clay. They also used the puppet theatre to play ‘Who eats who’. Deciding which animals were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores and showing their fantastic knowledge.

Mapping Our Local Area

This afternoon, Class 3 walked the local area taking notes of road names, street furniture, buildings and amenities.  They are in the process of creating some super maps of our surrounding area.


Class 1 Census Day

e’re taking part in Let’s Count!
We’re delighted to be taking part in Let’s Count!, the exciting schools programme which helps children learn about the census and why it matters to everyone.
What is Let’s Count!?
The ONS and resources centre, iChild, developed Let’s Count! to teach children about the census and make learning fun. The lesson plans are designed to teach children both in the classroom or at home.
Let’s Count! Day
Today is our Let’s Count! Day. We started by watching a Power Point explaining what the census is about asking and answering questions.
Mrs Glover said she had a question: How many books do we have in Class 1?
So, we collected all the books from our classroom and took them into the school hall. We knew we would need a big space to count them in. Firstly, we sorted them into 2 groups: story books and information books. We were amazed how many story books we have.
Next, we sorted these 2 groups into sub groups of hardbacks and paperbacks. The children were amazing at sorting and did super teamwork. Finally, we counted each group into piles of 10 and Mrs Glover added all the groups of 10 together. In total, we have 304 books in Class 1. Aren’t we lucky!
The information gathered will be used to make a display, which we will use to enter the Let’s Count! competition. Prizes will be awarded to the best entries, with £1,000 worth of equipment going to the winning school.


Class 3 have been thinking about HOPE and choose whether they wrote a poem, letter or paragraph on Hope in no more than 221 words. Some of these have been entered into the World Book Day PurpleMash competition.

Roman Emperor Sketches

Today Class 3 drew Roman Emperors to practise their sketching techniques.

Thank You Flowers

All the children at school today, took home a posy of daffodils to their mum as a thank you from the staff for being so amazing over the past year. Each posy contained a gift card that read:
‘Thank you for being so amazing and supportive of your child during this past year.
We know that at times it has not been easy, but we want you to know how much we appreciate all you have done. You are a star!
From all the staff at Dudley House’
Thank you to ‘Country Blooms’, based in Londonthorpe near Grantham, for making them for us.

Wiggling Caterpillars

One week on and the caterpillars are growing well. The children in Class 1 are excitedly checking on them every morning and have used the magnifying glasses to look closely. They have noticed that we can now see some “spiky hairs” on the caterpillar bodies and that they have got “a bit bigger”. The children are remembering not to knock the pot and enjoy watching the caterpillars wriggle.