Class 4 (Year 5 & 6)

Mrs Johnson and Miss White would like to welcome you to Class 4.  We continue to be based in the classroom next to the computer suite. We benefit from our own private outdoor area and hope to develop this as a team throughout the year.

This year, maths will be taught to  both year 5 and 6.  Key stage 2 will join together for P. E. lessons.  Other lessons will be delivered solely to year 6.

We follow our School’s Golden Rules to ensure we have a happy, successful learning environment

  • Show respect
  • Be kind
  • Be safe
  • Be your best

Important class information will be posted on here in addition to being sent home with pupils.

Useful Information

‘Let it Flow’ Topic Overview – Class 4 – Autumn 2024

Class 4 Letter to Parents – Autumn 2024


Children should read every day. After each completed novel they are expected to write a blog entry on this year’s class blog using Purple Mash.

They will be given spellings each week to learn.

Every week children will have a piece of maths and English given out on Tuesdays.  These should be fully completed and handed in every Friday.

A brain builder will be issued each term Class 4 Brain Builder – Autumn term 2024

Home learning links


Statutory spellings – Year 5&6


Year 5 & 6 Maths Long Term Plan – Autumn

Maths – What’s expected of a Year 5 Learner

Maths – What’s expected of a Year 6 Learner


 Year 5 & 6 Long Term Curriculum Plans – 2024 -2026