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KS2- Brain Builder Homework

The children in Class 3 and 4 have been researching about Rio de Janeiro for their Brain Builder homework. Today they presented their findings to each other through a variety of different mediums – posters, PowerPoints, Scratch games and speeches. They have all worked extremely hard Miss White and Mrs Carrington are impressed.

In addition, they were required to make a mask for their dance topic this term which will be used in their final piece which is all about Rio’s carnival. As you can see these have been carefully crafted by the children and look very eye-catching.

One child described Rio through a poem:

‘Birds sing in the park,

Football shouts in the streets,

People dancing and singing,

One step further to the… Carnival!’

Well done to all of KS2 for their efforts.

Class 4 – Microbes

Yesterday Class 4 began their learning about microbes. They used special glow cream to check how well they washed their hands and were horrified. After, they played a board game to learn about good bacteria.

Class 1 – Waterproof

After learning what waterproof means and why we need some things to be waterproof, Class 1 has been busy investigating what would be the best material to make a waterproof coat for teddy. They discussed what they could do, chose the materials and then carefully carried out their own tests, observing what happened before sharing excitedly what they had found out.

Well done Class 1. Super investigations skills.

Class 1 – Birds in the winter

After learning about what happens to animals in the winter, the children in Class 1 were keen to provide food for the birds and squirrels that visit our schoolgrounds. They decided to make their own bird feeders using pinecones coated with peanut butter and rolled in sunflower seeds, that they hung up outside along with put our bowls of seeds and nuts for the squirrels.

They even made their own bird spotting binoculars which the children use daily when checking their feeders.

Thank you Class 1 for helping some of the animals that visit our school.

Chinese New Year!

The whole school celebrated Chinese New Year today. It was a great opportunity to learn more about this vast country. The children in class 4 read and wrote myths and painted their interpretation of the Willow Pattern. They used comprehension tasks to learn about animals like the panda and structures such as the Great Wall of China. They had the opportunity to discuss different currencies and were able to handle a silk moth cocoon. They used atlases to fins out about Chinese mega cities and were staggered that the population of Shanghai was over half of the population in England. But the most important part of the day was of course the appetising lunch!

Class 3 were exploring Chinese culture and looking at Lunar New Year. In 2025 it is the year of the snake and so the class learnt how to make origami snakes- these were difficult but the children showed lots of resilience and determination. The children made collage lanterns whilst listening to traditional Chinese music. Finally the children researched about Pandas- they found out that new-born pandas are blind and have white fur. This was followed by drawing a cartoon version of a Panda- these are very impressive.

Class 1 – Snow too

Today Class 1 had a busy morning for as well as making ice lollies they also followed a recipe to make their own no cook snow dough that glitters like a frost!

The children weighed the ingredients using cups, mixed and kneaded the dough, and decided whether they needed to add more water or flour to make their dough the right consistency. They then had great fun creating with their glittery snow dough.

Class 1 – Ice

Carrying on with our melting and freezing Class 1 followed step by step instructions and made ice lollies out of juice.

Boccia Tournament

Well done to the Boccia team, who triumphed at the Boccia Tournament yesterday at the Kings School. They were delighted to win the final match and be awarded medals and a trophy.
Well done everyone.


Last night the children enjoyed telling the story of Babushka, an old woman who spent so much time cleaning her little house that she failed to notice beautiful things going on around her: a new star shining in the sky, an angel hovering in her garden and an exciting message being spread by three mysterious kings.

In a dream, an angel sings to Babushka of a baby boy born in a manger. Horrified to think of this baby shivering in a dirty stable, she sets off with a basket full of presents and cleaning materials. On her journey she meets people in need, and by the time she reaches Bethlehem she has learnt a valuable lesson, as well as filling an empty place in her heart.

A fantastic performance from the children with a poignant message. This term, the children have been thinking of lots of different ways they can help others and make a difference. We hope that this Christmas time everyone will take time to help others and in so doing spread love and joy in our community.

Happy Christmas everyone.