Chinese New Year!

The whole school celebrated Chinese New Year today. It was a great opportunity to learn more about this vast country. The children in class 4 read and wrote myths and painted their interpretation of the Willow Pattern. They used comprehension tasks to learn about animals like the panda and structures such as the Great Wall of China. They had the opportunity to discuss different currencies and were able to handle a silk moth cocoon. They used atlases to fins out about Chinese mega cities and were staggered that the population of Shanghai was over half of the population in England. But the most important part of the day was of course the appetising lunch!

Class 3 were exploring Chinese culture and looking at Lunar New Year. In 2025 it is the year of the snake and so the class learnt how to make origami snakes- these were difficult but the children showed lots of resilience and determination. The children made collage lanterns whilst listening to traditional Chinese music. Finally the children researched about Pandas- they found out that new-born pandas are blind and have white fur. This was followed by drawing a cartoon version of a Panda- these are very impressive.