

Class 2 spent a lovely morning thinking about the true meaning of Christmas and making Christingles.

Christmas Biscuits

To end our topic about Food and to link with breaking up for Christmas, the Class 1 children have used colourful icing to decorate some biscuits today. They had great fun drizzling and sploshing the icing on and then choosing which other kind of decoration to sprinkle on to finish off with.
They have taken these home to share with family.
Merry Christmas everyone!

We can fix it

We had a visitor in Class1 this afternoon as there was a problem with the water heater that needed fixing. Some of the children were fascinated by having a ‘fixer man’ in the room and immediately made themselves a set of tools, that were shoved into their pockets, and went round the room looking for things to fix. Then I suggested that they write me a bill for their work

– these varied quite considerably as you can see!

Badminton Matches

Class 3 enjoyed playing badminton against each other today.

Potage and Bread

What a busy Monday Class 2 have had! They prepared the vegetables to make potage which would have been eaten in 1666 and then made bread. Luckily, they didn’t start another fire, but all agreed bakers work very hard. When everything was ready the children enjoyed potage and bread. Everyone tried it and although there was mixed reaction to the potage, everyone thought the bread was delicious…and it was!


Navity Role Play

The children arrived in Class 1 this morning to find a stable and manger along with a box of costumes. They immediately started dressing up as different people from the Nativity Story that we were learning about last week. It was wonderful to hear them ‘acting’ it out and remembering the sequence of events so well. Don’t they look great!


National Santa Dash

All of the children took part in the National Santa Dash today, running at the same time as other children of their age across the country. They enjoyed donning Christmas jumpers, hats, tinsel, antlers, etc. whilst taking part, to make the event more festive.
Well done to all of them for taking part.