
Kenya Topic Bought to Life

What a fantastic day! Even though we aren’t allowed to have visitors in school, we were luckily enough to have a visitor who lived in Kenya come in to talk to us all about growing up in Nairobi. Mrs Cummins who is our school administrator also showed us her amazing photo album of her trip on Safari in Kenya which has really brought this topic to life for the class.

Rumble in the Jungle

The focus of Science Day this time was on the word: innovate and the work took on a mix of science and STEM tasks.
After reading the book: Rumble in the Jungle, we started by looking at some clips of different jungle animals and talked about the differences and adaptations made within family groups. Lions, tigers, jaguars and leopards are all cats but differ slightly. We looked at lots of different family groups.
Next, we moved on to look at camouflage and the role this has. J told us that:” it helps the animals to blend in to keep safe and to creep up on their food”.
We matched some pictures of animal skin/coat patterns to the actual animals and talked about what they might feel like to touch. The children were able to talk about why different creatures have different textures and require different colours or patterns.
After that, the children were asked to imagine that we had discovered some new animals in the jungle. They each had to design a ‘new’ animal. The children had some super ideas and were able to be very creative. They went on to make models of their animals using coloured modelling clay and described the appearance and habits of these new creatures.
The children worked hard and showed some great innovative ideas. Well done Class 1.

Animals Invented

Class 2 had a brilliant day all about science. We researched animals that live in the Savannah, looking closely at their features and how they had adapted to live in their habitat before we became innovators and created our own. We thought carefully about the features we wanted our new animal to have before designing it. We produced a fact file about our animal and then we made our animal from recycled materials. Aren’t they AMAZING! Well done Class 2.

Spinning Bows and Glowing Noses

Science day was all about electricity and famous scientists in Class 3 today. They used their circuit building skills to create clowns with spinning bow ties and glowing noses. Later on, they built and drew both parallel and series circuits noting the differences in bulb brightness. They learnt about Edward Jenner, Joseph Priestly, Caroline and William Herschel and Alexander Fleming.

Exciting Delivery

The children in Class One have had an exciting delivery in the post. We have received a pot containing 5 caterpillars and some food. We will look after them for the next 7-10 days and watch as they eat the food and grow. We are being careful to look at them through magnifying glasses rather than touching the pot – we don’t want to scare them.
We will let you know if we notice any changes!

The River Whale

The children in Class 3 have read ‘The River Whale’ by Sita Brahmachari in class today. The book is part of the list of £1 books available to buy with their book tokens.
They have created their own whales, described a river environment and created their own diving bedroom. All these activities were inspired by the book, which the children all liked very much.
Well done Class 3, we’ve had a super day.

Book Favourites

To mark World Book Day, the children in Class 1 have enjoyed sharing their favourite books today. We looked at the books and then the children wrote about why they liked that particular one.

Book Cover Designers

Before half term children at Dudley House were set a challenge of creating their own book cover for World Book Day.
Children thought of their own titles, author, cover designs. Children in Key Stage 2 also designed the spine, created the blurb and other information for the back cover.
The three winners were announced and presented with a selection of books or design materials in assembly this morning.
Well done to everyone who took part. 😊

Support Us

Dudley House School, is amazingly blessed with parents who truly believe in the education the school offers. When, during a recent parents’ evening, it was revealed that the school was experiencing COVID-19-related financial troubles, the earnest desire to help the school survive and thrive was evident on all faces – as parents have seen the difference that this school is making in their children’s lives. Parents decided to help the school in any way they could; and one of them – Katie, a local Grantham resident, whose daughter attends the school and has benefited tremendously from attending it – created a GoFundMe page for Dudley House.
We hope and pray that God will continue to bless Dudley House School as a shining beacon of light for children in Grantham for many years to come as it makes such a difference in their lives!
If you would like to help support this small independent school, Katie’s GoFundMe page and the story of how Dudley House School helped her daughter can be found at:
Why not enrol your own children at Dudley House School and see for yourselves the difference this Christian school is making in the lives of children?
Contact Jenny Johnson, the headteacher on: 01476 400184

Gymnastics Fun

Class 3 were really excited to have a socially distance P.E. lesson using our gymnastic equipment.