Class 1 Census Day

e’re taking part in Let’s Count!
We’re delighted to be taking part in Let’s Count!, the exciting schools programme which helps children learn about the census and why it matters to everyone.
What is Let’s Count!?
The ONS and resources centre, iChild, developed Let’s Count! to teach children about the census and make learning fun. The lesson plans are designed to teach children both in the classroom or at home.
Let’s Count! Day
Today is our Let’s Count! Day. We started by watching a Power Point explaining what the census is about asking and answering questions.
Mrs Glover said she had a question: How many books do we have in Class 1?
So, we collected all the books from our classroom and took them into the school hall. We knew we would need a big space to count them in. Firstly, we sorted them into 2 groups: story books and information books. We were amazed how many story books we have.
Next, we sorted these 2 groups into sub groups of hardbacks and paperbacks. The children were amazing at sorting and did super teamwork. Finally, we counted each group into piles of 10 and Mrs Glover added all the groups of 10 together. In total, we have 304 books in Class 1. Aren’t we lucky!
The information gathered will be used to make a display, which we will use to enter the Let’s Count! competition. Prizes will be awarded to the best entries, with £1,000 worth of equipment going to the winning school.