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Class 1 Art

6th February 2024

Class 1 has enjoyed looking at the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. We used the three primary colours to create our own masterpieces.

RE – Class 1

2nd February 2024
This morning, Class 1 made some flat bread after listening to the Bible story Elijah asking the the widow of Zarephath for a piece of bread, and the destitute widow using her last bit of flour and oil to bake for him.
We had great fun making and kneading the dough, before putting it in the oven to bake. The best part was sharing and eating the freshly baked bread. It was delicious.

Nottingham Castle – Class 4

1st February 2024

Today Class 4 travelled by train to Nottingham to visit the castle. It was a glorious day and they admired the view over the city from the castle vantage point. Inside they learnt about different artist techniques in the art gallery and had a superb guided tour of David’s Dungeon and the caves. They learnt more about archery and using a long staff through animated games and watched the legend of Robin Hood projected to huge screens for an immersive experience.



Badminton Festival

Last night the children enjoyed taking part in the Packet Racket Badminton Festival held at KGGS. Through taking part in a range of badminton activities in was great to see the children visibly improving their skills.
It was also lovely to see the more experienced players supporting and encouraging the younger team members so that they could succeed.
Well done all of you.

Class 1 – RSPB Bird Watch

31st January 2024

In response to the RSPB Garden Bird Watch, Class 1 had great fun making bird feeders and today we put them out around the school grounds. Which birds will we spot?


Greek Cookies

Today Class 4 cooked a Greek recipe Melomakorona – honey-spice cookies. This week there were some fantastic presentations of their Brain Builder homework too!



30th January 2024

The children were very exciting in their coding lesson today. They all managed to program their Micro:bit to become a step counter. Some created a night light and a game of rock paper scissors too.


Class 1 have been looking at hygiene. We wiped the bread over different surfaces and just look at the results!! We did wipe our shoes over the floor first. We learned about the importance of good hand washing. We know that even though things are cleaned germs can still be there and spread quickly.


Boccia Tournament

26th January 2024
Well done to the four boys who represented the school in the Boccia Tournament at King’s Sports hall yesterday afternoon. Not only did they win their heat, but the semi-final and then went on to draw both in points and games won in the final, to become joint winners. Superb playing.
This morning they were presented with their gold medals and trophy in assembly. They were justifiably proud of their achievement and the whole school were thrilled by their success.
A brilliant achievement boys!!


25th January 2024

This afternoon some of KS2 have been practising their language skills by playing French games.