
Polling Day

Today was Polling Day at Dudley House. We voted for our School Council. The children listened to the various candidates as they gave us their ‘pitches’ on Zoom this morning during assembly .
Class 1 were first to cast their votes and enjoyed visiting the Polling station set up in the hall by Mrs Sellars.
The children had to give their name and class to an ‘official’ and received their voting papers. They then went into the polling booth and chose their candidates. Finally they got to post their completed ballot papers into the ballot box. Some children from Class 1 even got to submit ‘postal votes’ via Email as they’re at home today and joined us remotely.
We await the announcement of the result by the Returning Officer later today. What a great experience for the children.
Well done to all the children who were elected onto the School Council today.
Initially there were going to be two representatives per class, but as votes for second place were tied in each class, Mrs Johnson decided to have three Councillors per class instead.

What’s Inside the Egg?

The children in Class 1 have been fascinated by the mysterious egg that we found at school on Monday. Today they have all painted a picture of, and written about, what they think is inside it! I wonder if anyone is right?

Spring Creations

Inspired by our lovely Spring walk to the park yesterday, Class 1 have enjoyed doing some Spring crafts today. They have made egg box daffodils and some blossom trees. They used paint, glue, cardboard tubes and coloured paper. They’re very pleased with their pretty work.

Enormous Caterpillars

Class 1 caterpillar update – the children enjoy checking up on our caterpillars each day. We have noticed that they are now “enormous” and “ginormous”. The children have also spotted that they now have” white bits on their bodies” and “hairs on them”. We are hoping that they will form their cocoons this week. The children are also able to talk about the life cycle of the caterpillar.

Spring Walk

Class 1 have been for a walk to Wyndham Park. We re-traced the route of our Autumn walk back in September, but this time we were looking for signs of Spring. The children had clipboards and a checklist of things to look out for. They walked beautifully and were very observant, ticking off nearly everything on their lists.

Sound Investigation

Today in science Class 3 investigated sound using string telephones.

Clues Discovered

Ooh! The mystery of the egg continues. The children in Class 1 checked first thing this morning and found it was still there. We then took out some magnifying glasses and had a thorough search of the area around the egg to look for any clues that might help us work out what is going on. We decided that a clue is something that we wouldn’t normally see in that area.
The children found some straw, some feathers along with some small pieces of coloured paper and plastic. They also noticed some clumps of moss scattered around and what looked like parts of the grass that had been disturbed! There was even, what appears to be, a drag mark in the grass!! We collected all this evidence, took some photos and have created an evidence table in our classroom.

Mrs Johnson received this message last night:
‘Mrs Johnson. I wonder if this is the mummy bird who has lost her egg? She didn’t look too happy when we saw her, quite worried actually.’
We will have to keep an eye out for more clues or see if the mummy comes back.

Enormous Egg Discovered

OH ! WOW! How exciting. As we went out to play today, the children in Class 1 spotted something very strange in the bushes near our playground. It seems to be an enormous egg! We have no idea where it came from, what left it there or what could be inside. We very gently touched the egg shell and found that it was “smooth and a little bit bumpy”. The children were thrilled by their find!
When we came back inside we wrote down our ideas about where the egg might have come from. They were very egg-cited and couldn’t wait to tell Mrs Johnson all about it. We even took her outside to show her. She explained that we should leave it there and not touch it in-case the mummy that laid the egg comes back and doesn’t want our human smells on it. I wonder if it will still be there tomorrow?

This morning class 2 also found the enormous egg under a shrub in the school playground. They felt confused, excited and a bit worried about what the egg could contain! Back in the classroom they wrote about what they saw and what they think might be in the egg when it hatches!!!
Class 3 were also intrigued. The children had lots of questions – What could be inside such an enormous egg? Why did the mother choose our school grounds to lay its egg? What they could do to protect the egg? Would it get cold over night?
They have been keeping an eye out to see whether the mother returns.