
Book of Hope

Children in Class 3 entered the ‘Book of Hope’ competition run by Purple Mash, where they wrote about what hope meant to them. The winning entries will be compiled into a ‘Book of Hope’.
Agnes super letter, ‘Dear Me’, was used for a promotional video which can be seen here:
Well done Agnes for your inspiring writing.

Caterpillar Update!

Mrs Glover has taken the caterpillars home for the school holiday and, overnight, they have started to make their cocoons. How exciting!

Lambs Visit

As a final treat, to end the term and our topic about animals, Mrs Glover invited her friends Sarah and Adam into school with 2 of their lambs. The male lamb is a week old and called Derek whilst the female lamb had no name and is only 3 days old. The children were very sensible and all listened carefully to the instructions about how to feed, stroke and hold them.
Class 2 and 3 later came to see the lambs too. One of the pupils in Class 3 suggested the name Posy for the lamb which went down well. It was lovely to meet Posy and Derek. What a super way to end the Spring term.

Class 3 Treasure Hunt

Class 3 worked really well as a team today to solve clue so they could complete the treasure hunt. First they were given a printed Easter egg with a riddle to solve. This lead them to a multi-choice Biblical question. Once they had decided which answer was correct, they solved a further riddle to find letters in the final clue. What ‘eggcellent’ (sorry for the pun) detectives they make!

Chocolate Nests

Class 1 had a wonderful, and messy, time making chocolate nests this morning! They knew that we had to measure and mix the ingredients. We also knew to melt the chocolate and butter before mixing. I think they particularly enjoyed licking their bowls and spoons afterwards.


Class 1 Treasure Hunt

The children in Class 1 found a letter from the Easter bunny waiting for them when they got to school this morning. This led to a very energetic hunt around school. Each egg gave us a clue as to where to look next and also gave us a letter from the alphabet. Having found all the clues we realised we could spell the word Easter. Then Mrs Johnson gave the children some Easter eggs as a treat for their hard work with their Easter scenes and the egg hunt.

Easter Scenes

Wow! What super entries we’ve had for our Brain Builder challenge to ‘create an Easter scene’. Class 1 loved looking at all the different ideas and the range of materials that had been used, when they went to see the entries from the different classes.

It was very tricky to judge as there were super entries from children in all three classes.

Well done to everyone for all the effort and creativity that you put into this. They were amazing!!

Roman Villas

Today, Class 3 added the finishing touches to their Roman villa models. Don’t they look splendid!

Mosaic Tiles


Class 3 first designed and then created their design with mosaic tiles.

The following day they  grouted them to complete their coaster or place mat.

I am sure that you will agree they have created some marvelous products.


Egg Disappears

The children in Class 1 were very surprised today to find that the mystery egg had disappeared and in its place was this note! Who or what is Maisy we wonder? Whoever or whatever she is, we clearly did the right thing by taking such good care of her precious egg.