
Our Web of Thankfulness

In Class 1’s RE lesson, we listened to the story of The Ten Lepers and thought about the one who said ‘thank you’ to Jesus for curing him.
Whilst standing in a circle, we used string and passed it around. As we held a piece of string we each thought of things that we were thankful for. The children had some super things to say:
“Thank you for keeping our planet safe”
“Thank you for helping us to find our favourite things”
“Thank you for tigers and all your creatures”
“Thank you for toys”
“Thank you for my family and friends”
“Thank you for our school and all the people here”
We reflected that someone saying thank you makes people happy. What lovely messages.

Can We Fix It?

The new topic for Class 1 is called: ‘Can we fix it?’
The children are taking it very seriously!!

Butterflies Released

Great excitement in Class 1 today. We were back at school and we had butterflies to release. Two of our five caterpillars have successfully emerged from their cocoons. The children were thrilled to see the patterns and colours of our Painted Lady butterflies.
Once the weather had warmed up, just before lunch, we took the habitat outside and carefully lifted the butterflies out. The children each got to hold them on a flower or orange segment. After a few minutes, the butterflies flew off. It has been a real privilege to watch this process from start to finish and the children have been fascinated.

Butterflies Emerge

Exciting caterpillar update for Class 1. We have a butterfly! It emerged this afternoon and you can just see it’s empty cocoon case below it. Don’t worry! The red marks you can see are not blood. It’s just a liquid that’s released as part of the emerging process.
Mrs Glover has put some chopped fruit and some dissolved sugar on a sponge in with them – this is what they will eat over the next few days. You can see the colours on its wings really clearly. It is a ‘Painted Lady’ butterfly. Mrs Glover is keeping a close eye on the other cocoons to see if they are starting to split as the butterflies emerge.