
Jumps, Leaps and Hops

PE in Class 1 this term is focussing upon ‘Jumps and Rolls’. For the last 3 weeks we have been looking at different types of jumps, leaps and hops – what they are called and how we do them properly. We have made sequences of these jumps. Today we got a bench out and chose how we wanted to travel along the bench before choosing which kind of jump to use at the end.

We tried to incorporate some kind of balance in the middle of the bench too.


Our jumps, leaps and hops are starting to look really good, especially when we remember to bend our knees and, use our toes not flat feet. Well done Class 1.


Sources of Light

Class 2 had a wonderful afternoon investigating  sources of light around our school. We walked around the school and drew pictures of all the sources of light we found, which was quite a lot!


Investigating Cars

In science club tonight, we investigated speed and tested cars and wheels for their speed in order to design a vehicle that will be tested next week! It was  fun and the children took it very seriously.

Traffic News

Here is the latest traffic news from Class 1.

As part of Road Safety Week, we drew a chalk road on the playground. The children then walked along the ‘pavement’ looking for a safe place to cross. We couldn’t cross near the parked cars or too near the corner but we could use the zebra crossing. The children reminded us that they needed to ‘Stop, Look, Listen and Think!’ The children also took turns pretending to be cars driving on the road for their classmates to look and listen out for.

Well done Class 1.


Mandala Patterns

This weekend many people celebrated the Hindu festival of Diwali. In art club today we looked at the Mandala patterns that are drawn outside people’s houses during these festivities. We used watercolour paints to colour them in once we had drawn our designs.



Music Fun

Class 2 had a great time during music today. They played percussion instruments and showed what a great sense of rhythm they had when moving in time to the music.

Remembrance Day

Today, the children from Class 1 took part in observing the 2 minutes silence as part of Remembrance Day, along with the rest of the school. They also watched a short animation about this event and learned about why we observe it. Each child made a collage poppy and did some writing to support their learning. These are on display on our classroom windows.

Class 1 Science Day

In Class 1, we wanted to focus upon the word ‘investigate’:
We listened to the story of The Gingerbread Man. The children were given a Gingerbread Man each and used their senses to describe it.
We stopped the story at the point where the Gingerbread Man got to the river.
Question 1: What would happen to the Gingerbread Man in water? The children made their predictions and then we placed them into a container of water.
After 10 minutes we retuned and made observations about what had happened.
Were our predictions right?
The next question that Class 1 investigated was:
Question 2: What would happen to the Gingerbread Man if he fell into different puddles whilst running away?
We placed Gingerbread Men into ‘puddles’ of vegetable oil, orange juice and vinegar. Again, the children made suggestions as to what they thought might happen in the different liquids. After 5 minutes, the children returned to look closely at their Gingerbread Men. They all looked unchanged so then they touched them and found that the ones in oil were still very hard but the ones in the Orange juice and vinegar had gone very soft and mushy.
The final question for Class 1 built on some learning that we had done in the Summer term, about Floating and Sinking.
Question 3: Can you help the Gingerbread Man get across the river using Playdough?
We had a letter from a Gingerbread Man who needed our help to get across the river. The children were given a ball of playdough each and observed what happened when they placed this into the water. It sank.
We then talked about other things we could use. They wanted to make a raft each. These were much more successful.

Class 2 Science Day

Class 2 enjoyed investigating materials today for science day. They sorted materials and identified objects in the classroom and on the playground that were made of different materials. They investigated which type of paper was the most absorbent, a busy afternoon with surprising results!