
Building Construction

We have been learning all about the Great Fire of London and these are Class 2’s fabulous Brain Builder creations.

Christmas Decorations

The children in Class 3 have used wood to make Christmas Decorations. They have used lots of skills such as sawing, drilling, sanding, painting, threading and designing.


Look at their lovely creations and the tree they are now hanging on.

Christmas Delivery Help Needed

A letter arrived at science club tonight and the children had to investigate how they could help!   Science club letter


Is it nearly Christmas?

In PE today, Class 1 listened to the poem ‘Twas the night before Christmas’ and then we took on different roles and used these to inspire our movements. We started off as snowflakes, lightly floating and twirling around the hall. Next, we pretended to grow into a large Christmas tree before dancing around and decorating the tree with baubles and tinsel.
After that, we were the sleepy children, tucked up in bed suddenly woken by a clatter of hooves on the roof. Finally, we became the reindeer and pranced around, elegantly displaying our antlers. Next week, we will listen to the rest of the poem and find out what happens next.

Skipping Fun

Class 2 began learning how to skip today. They had great fun and are doing very well. We then learnt how to throw a quoit and they were all brilliant. Well done Class 2.

Delicious Bread

Having enjoyed the story of Little Red Hen this week, the children in Class 1 had a go at making bread. They all got to sift the dry ingredients into a bowl and then mix in the water. We then left the dough to prove for an hour.
Each child had a portion of the risen dough and shaped their bread. We then baked these in the oven, having put a little oil on the top to help us get crusty bread. The children each decorated a paper bag whilst the bread cooled and took their bread home in this to enjoy with a topping of their choice. It certainly smelled delicious.

I Mile Challenge Gold Award

The pupils at Dudley House were delighted to receive a Gold Award for the 1 Mile Challenge. Every child in KS1 and 2 took part and were proud of their achievement.

Bread Tasting

Class 1 are listening to the story of The Little Red Hen this week. In the story, Hen makes some bread having found some wheat grain. Today, the children have tasted 6 different types of Bread. They had to look at it, smell it, feel it and then taste it. Having eaten each type, they rated it with a smiley face if they enjoyed it, sad face if they didn’t like it or an ‘I’m not sure’ face if they couldn’t decide.

Skipping Challenge

Class 3 has started practising for the Lincolnshire skipping challenge.