Diary Dates


Summer Term 2024

Tuesday 16th April – Start of Term
Thursday 2nd May – Spring Walk – Class 1
Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday
Thursday 9th May – Class 3 All Stars Cricket 10am ~ 12 noon
Wednesday 15th May – Class 3 and 4 Trip to Skegness
Thursday 16th May – Y3/4 Tennis Festival 12:30 ~ 3:30pm
Tuesday 21st May – Culture Day
Thursday 23rd May – End of Term

                       Half Term Holiday

Tuesday 4th June – Start of Term
Thursday 13th June – Year 5/6 Tennis Tournament ~ 12:30 – 3:30pm
17th – 21st June – Arts Week
Wednesday 19th June – Art Exhibition~1 – 6pm
Thursday 20th June – Rounders Tournament
Friday 21st June – Music Day
Monday 24th June – Trip to Belton
Thursday 27th June – Fire Safety Talk
Tuesday 2nd July – Class 1 Seaside Day
Thursday 4rd July – School Sports Day ~ 1:45pm
Wednesday 10th July – Bastille Day pm
Wednesday 17th July – Summer Production ~ 6pm
Friday 19th July – Celebration Assembly ~ 8:50am
Friday 19th July – End of Term (No Friday Club)

                              Summer Holiday

Wednesday 4th September 2024 – Start of Term