
Class 1 & 2 -The Festival of Lights

The children in Class 1 and Class 2 have been learning about Festivals of Light. They enjoyed acting out the story of Rama and Sita and learning about how Diwali is celebrated. They used clay to make their own diva lamps and coloured rice and sand to create beautiful Rangoli patterns.

This week they enjoyed learning about how Hanukkah is celebrated. A Menorah was lit in the classroom as they played the dreidel game – the children were very good at sharing!

Brain Builder

This term Class 4 were asked to produce a Brain Builder homework about Ancient Egypt. They were given suggestions but were able to interpret the brief anyway they wished.

We had a wonderful show and tell this morning to include models, maps, informative graphics, games and even a musical composition.


The children were very exciting in their coding lesson today. They all managed to program their Micro:bit to become a step counter. Some created a night light and a game of rock paper scissors too.


This afternoon some of KS2 have been practising their language skills by playing French games.