
Class 3 Assembly – Scientist

Class 3 – You’ve once again made us proud!
This morning we had scientist from across many centuries come to the school hall to explain to us who they were and what they were famous for – From Marie Curie to Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein to Alexander Fleming and many more …
What a brilliant way for us to get to know more about what you have been learning this term – keep up the good work!

Pumpkin Soup – Class 1

Class 1 were very excited to read our new focus text – ‘Pumpkin Soup’. Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be learning all about instructions and will make our own pumpkin soup!
We found it funny Mrs Eason didn’t know how to make a sandwich. She spread the butter on the plate! We gave clear and precise instructions so the sandwich was made correctly.

Class 3 Trip to the Library

Today KS2 visited Grantham Library. They listened to a range of poems, completed scavenger hunts to help learn about the location of different types of books in the junior library. They also found out about the Dewey Decimal System before operating the self-service system to borrow books.



Early Years Library Trip

Class 1 had a lovely visit to the library. We learnt how to find fiction and non-fiction books in the library. We shared some books and were given a book mark and book to take home.

Early Years RE

Class 1 enjoyed listening to the story of how God created Adam and Eve. After they worked hard to create collage pictures that look like them. They were very proud of their self portraits.

Local Easter Pharmacy Opening times

Easter Pharmacy opening times


We have been sent information regarding Easter Pharmacy Opening times, and have shrunk the list down to just the local ones for your information.


More information can be found on https://www.england.nhs.uk/midlands/nhs-england-and-nhs-improvement-midlands-work/bank-holiday-pharmacy-opening-times/